ACCESSE24 Leadership Conference Announces Brandon Lista as Closing Keynote Speaker

The Council of Engineering and Scientific Society Executives (CESSE) is thrilled to announce Brandon Lista, a renowned storyteller, educator, and community animator, as the closing keynote speaker for the ACCESSE24 Leadership Conference, taking place from July 23–25 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 

With a unique background in engineering and education, Brandon Lista offers a fresh perspective on the art of storytelling. He believes that this ancient practice is crucial for helping professionals become better communicators and problem solvers in today's complex world. 

"We’re excited to welcome Brandon Lista as our closing keynote speaker," said Louise Ristau, CAE, Executive Director at CESSE. "His blend of storytelling and expertise in fostering collaboration will provide a fitting conclusion to our conference, leaving attendees inspired and equipped to tackle challenges in their respective STEM fields." 

Lista's passion for global folktales and his ability to weave personal narratives have made him a sought-after speaker and performer. As the secretary for the board of Storytelling Toronto, he continues to inspire audiences with his captivating tales. 

Brandon Lista - Closing Keynote

This fall, Lista will return to the Troost Institute for Leadership Education in Engineering at the University of Toronto, where he will be part of a groundbreaking laboratory studying collaboration. His insights on helping interdisciplinary teams work together effectively will resonate with the audience of STEM society professionals at ACCESSE24. 

ACCESSE24 is designed to provide STEM society professionals with leadership development, peer-to-peer connections, and content expertise. This year's conference promises insightful discussions on critical topics impacting STEM societies and associations, with a focus on Leadership, DEIA, AI/Innovative Technology, and Sustainability. 

For more information about ACCESSE24 and to register for the conference, please visit

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