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ACCESSE24 Leadership Conference Announces Brandon Lista as Closing Keynote Speaker

The Council of Engineering and Scientific Society Executives (CESSE) is thrilled to announce Brandon Lista, a renowned storyteller, educator, and community animator, as the closing keynote speaker for the ACCESSE24 Leadership Conference, taking place from July 23–25 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 

With a unique background in engineering and education, Brandon Lista offers a fresh perspective on the art of storytelling. He believes that this ancient practice is crucial for helping professionals become better communicators and problem solvers in today's complex world. 

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All By Myself: The New Value of Attending In-Person Conferences

A show of hands: Does anyone else feel a bit conflicted about virtual work? On one hand, I love that my home is close to my yoga studio, and I can finally make their 5:15 pm classes. But I do miss connecting with my colleagues daily in a physical office. And now that I am in the role of mentor at my organization, I see how the lack of daily interaction can hinder the development and "visibility" of my younger employees. That’s why industry events like CESSE’s ACCESSE Leadership Conference are more important than ever. 

I attended my first ACCESSE last year in Detroit, MI. While initially, I thought my excitement was from attending my first post-pandemic industry event, I quickly realized my excitement was an immediate sense of belonging and feeling understood by my peers in attendance. I've attended other association-focused events but being amongst the scientific community [at ACCESSE] felt different. They understood the challenges of running an international organization, the challenges of running a large organization, and the challenges of non-commerciality in an increasingly commercial world. The list goes on. 

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5 Reasons STEM Society Executive Leaders Should Support Their Staff's Attendance at ACCESSE

As a nonprofit leader, I prioritize supporting my staff, recognizing that the most valuable resource of any organization is its people. This support takes various forms, with continuous learning and networking standing out as indispensable tools for organizational and staff growth and success. That's why we made the decision to send our entire team to the ACCESSE23 Leadership Conference in Detroit last year.  

ACCESSE offers a unique platform for development and networking, particularly beneficial for nonprofit staff across various levels in STEM societies and associations. Indeed, this conference holds significant value for organizations and their staff alike. 

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